From where we stand today, we’re 202 years away from gender parity. We helped FQ spark urgency around taking action with the #MakeEqualityMoves pop-up at the Cannes Lions Festival.

In collaboration with four female artists, we brought the pillars of equality—parity, advancement, culture, and leadership—to life through captivating artworks, each pair of shoes came with actionable steps.

  • AdAge Creativity Pick of the Day

  • Copywriter, Creative Director

    AD/CD: Meghan Dailey



We also created a social filter that allowed individuals who couldn’t make it to France to publicly commit to a move.

Role: Creative Director, Copy

AD/CD: Meghan Dailey

Artists: Angela Southern (Advancement), Marina Emerald (Culture), Ery Burns (Parity), Lauréne Boglio (Leadership)

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